During standard PCR cycling, primer-dimer formation and other nonspecific primer annealing can occur while the machine is heating up.  This can be detrimental for tough PCR reactions. It is possible to perform a manual hot-start by adding the enzyme or other critical reaction component after the tubes reach melting temperature.  But using a hot start product makes the process much easier. 

Our Long & Accurate products use a patented combination of DNA Polymerase and a proof-reading enzyme.  They perform with better fidelity and are the enzymes of choice for long DNA targets, with which they perform exceptionally well. In addition, they are generally more robust, therefore short targets amplification can also benefit from them.

Our Cesium enzymes are double cold-sensitive mutants of Taq or Klentaq1 DNA Polymerases.  They provide an automatic hot-start for PCR due to suppressed activity at low temperatures.

In addition, all enzymes listed are reversibly bound to an aptamer.  The aptamer forms a hairpin and binds to the active site of the polymerase at sub-cycling temperatures, inactivating the enzyme and preventing spurious amplification. The aptamer is released at the first melt step, allowing full enzyme activity.